Thanks for posting. I love reading these…I should really get the book. Thanks so much!

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Congratulations on the anniversary, Ray. Your skillful questions elicited valuable answers. The wide range of characters filled in important gaps in history, and deepened understanding of what might have been known. It’s a most valuable resource for those of us who occasionally write about Planet Dylan.

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You should! It's great. This is absolutely typical of the interviews that are in it - intimate, informative - all these superb musicians who seem somehow amazed and humbled to be have been there.

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From the early 80s til the mid-90s I lived in Topanga Canyon where Fred played trumpet with other locals during Christmas. My daughter was a bit behind his in the local school.

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And BIG congratulations on the 1st anniversary of your wonderful & insightful book, what an awesome idea and skillfully well done! A great peek behind the curtain at the creativity & personality of one of the world's best artists.

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Great read, great interview! Thanks for sharing!!

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