I saw two shows on the US tour and can relate to your comments about Keltner seeming to be playing with another band in his head at times. Always been a Keltner fan, but on this gig he's wobbled a bit.

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I thought so too in Camden, NJ in the summer! Likewise have always been a fan. First night was all over the place with the drumming, second night was a huge improvement and apparently last night was totally locked in - so maybe it's all finally fallen into place.

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Sounds like another great Dylan performance. Wish reviewer had expanded on what he meant by “messy” and disclosed whether cell phones were allowed. Keep em coming Ray!

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Hey Jack! The messiness came from when the drumming kept coming out of time with the rest of the band, so the songs were being pulled in a couple different directions at once. Still a great performance, though, and they managed to pull it off. The phones were locked up in Yondr pouches and will be for the whole tour. The guy next to me on the second night was even thrown out for (very obviously) filming. Four big security guards surrounded him telling him to leave, no "don't do it again or you're out" warning.

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Exciting to read this … be interesting to see how it settles down.

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Great and very informative review, thank you!

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this guy's Prague review was nice, I trust his perception...

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Anyone know how I can get a link for the discord?

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When you sign up as a paid subscriber you get it in your email. But if you lost the email, message me and I'll send you a new link.

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