Now that the Dylan archives are available (to *vetted* researchers) at the BD Center, the question of written but unperformed lyrical variations can theoretically be addressed. Would have to ask the curator of the collection there what criteria are used for qualifying as a researcher, whether this TUIB question is being studied, and how much of the collection is yet to be sorted and catalogued.
Now that the Dylan archives are available (to *vetted* researchers) at the BD Center, the question of written but unperformed lyrical variations can theoretically be addressed. Would have to ask the curator of the collection there what criteria are used for qualifying as a researcher, whether this TUIB question is being studied, and how much of the collection is yet to be sorted and catalogued.
Now that the Dylan archives are available (to *vetted* researchers) at the BD Center, the question of written but unperformed lyrical variations can theoretically be addressed. Would have to ask the curator of the collection there what criteria are used for qualifying as a researcher, whether this TUIB question is being studied, and how much of the collection is yet to be sorted and catalogued.