Thanks for the generous, insightful report… you've made this entire show feel like a collection of surprises and delights, which is exactly what you hope for and rarely what you get during a big festival bill. Now I wish I could catch it myself in Holmdel, but it's highly unlikely.

Also: Keltner?!! Dang.

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You had me at Jim F*cking Keltner!

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Thanks! Donnie is a big loss. Pedal steel and fiddle are needed! Maybe Bob will borrow someone from Willie's band. or maybe Alison Krauss for fiddle? What a setlist!

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Fun to see these clips. Thank you for posting them for all of us to see. xo JJ

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Thanks for the review. Glad you were able to make it. Big fan of the newsletter and your book. I would suggest that Tony is The Glue. Also, Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi were playing with Lucas Nelson, definitely deserving a mention.

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Thanks for the prep! Seeing them tomorrow night in Raleigh. Great to see Waylon Payne in the Family Band - son of Willie's guitarist, the late Jody Payne, who used to sing Workin' Man Blues during Willie's shows. Sadly, Mickey Raphael's the last original Family member left, but appropriately, their kids and relatives are still part of it (including Billy English, Paul's brother, on drums).

Loved the review, and I'm super curious to see if the covers remain.

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Thank you for this!.. Your reporting and the videos.

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“, “That was an amazing show. But was it actually a good show?” Thank you for saying the words out loud! The show is more than the setlist. I’m trying to imagine what it would have been like trying to take this set in without the assistance of Mr google

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Thanks for the report, not just on Bob but the others too. I always like seeing Lukas. We shall see where this set list goes! I won’t see him till August in Spokane. I’ve never seen Willie. Hopefully he will be fit.

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This level of spontaneity, setlist wildness and the band getting things together in live setting EXACTLY what I like seeing, esp right down front as RP was... i like the way the grateful dead operated, and this first dylan show is fascinating and cool as F:

"The leaner guitar-driven lineup threatened to collapse on several occasions, especially early on. The band watched Bob even more closely than usual, occasionally conferring with him or with each other. It’s a testament to their skill that, even in uncharted waters, they managed to hold things together. If the first few songs get repeated, I expect they will tighten up quickly"....

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He was in a Little Richard cover band when he was in high school. It’s true!

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Thanks so much Ray Padgett👌

‘Changes’ is the key word of this total out of picture of RARWays Tour songs.

Yet your pre guess list did have ‘Changing of the guards’ while Bob choose ‘Things have Changed’ yeah!

You can be lucky sometime.

Go enjoy with your daughter soon! Lucky one. Me in EU…

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It was great to meet you in person at this show after lots of emailing and talking during the making of your book. What a topsy-turvy, fruitbasket-flip kind of show this was ... it's like "My Own Version Of You" where he's just building something odd, in terms of setlist, and it manages to walk and talk.

In my 22 Dylan shows, this one will stand out for pure unpredictable craziness - glad to see that re-inserted into the brew after many, many years of excellent shows, but with static setlists.

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My Babe was written by Willie Dixon

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What are WTF covers?

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What was it like without the Yondr pouches? Lots of phones out? Bob pay any attention?

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Yeah but I didn’t see anyone holding it up for long periods of time. No he didn’t pay attention. The weird thing I forgot to put in is there were two huge tv monitors on stage facing the band so they could watch themselves.

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Interesting - be interesting to see how this plays out as we move forward. Life today being what it is, someone is bound to push the limits at a future show …

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People taking photos with flash on seems to get him. It was light out for most of his set so wouldn't have mattered, but once it starts getting darker, if numbskulls do it (and you know they will), could be an issue

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